Dental sealants
More sealing, less anesthesia
We all wish similar things for our dentition: resistance to microbial attacks, aesthetics and functionality. It is our duty to provide you with the right information and assist you in your journey towards maintaining or achieving your ideal oral health. Prevention can be naturally integrated in your lifestyle and, in the dental field, it is our priority. We therefore offer you three options: fluoride, pit and fissure sealants and Preventive Resin Restoration (PRR).
Fluoride constitutes the most efficient and cost-effective method for dental decay prevention and control. Fluoride therapy can be either systemic or topical. The systemic method is done through the intake of fluoride as primary teeth are being developed, while the topical treatment implies the application of the product on the surface of the teeth. Fluoride can be found in the environment, food, air, water, etc. In the clinic, it is applied as a foam or varnish.
When we treat children, we use a foam, which is put in a mouth tray that is gently bitten into for one minute. Combined with good dental habits, such as teeth brushing and flossing regularly, young children have all the tools to keep a bright smile for their whole life!
As adults, the use of fluoride is less frequent because decay susceptibility is reduced. However, it can be used in cases of hypersensitivity, exposed roots or root decay. In these instances, we will apply a foam or varnish that will help reduce the risk of caries.
It is important for you to know the sources of fluoride that your child ingests to prevent overdosing, which would damage the teeth. This disorder is called dental fluorosis and causes intrinsic tooth discolouration.
Pit and fissure sealant
Fluoride remains an incomplete preventive method because of the morphology of our teeth. Indeed, on a tooth’s chewing surface are recesses called fissures or grooves. These are often too narrow for thorough cleaning with a toothbrush, thus increasing the risk of dental decay.
The aim of the procedure is to make the surface smooth so food slides off and leaves the tooth free of any deposits, thus facilitating the brushing. Sealant application is simple, as it does not require anesthesia and the patient can eat freely after the procedure.
Steps of the procedure
- The surface of the tooth is cleaned with water, with a powerful enough stream to reach deep into the fissure.
- A gel is then applied to help the sealant adhere perfectly to the treated area.
- Finally, the sealant will be put in the fissure and hardened with light.
Sealants are recommended as soon as the first molars come through, around 6 or 7 years old. Then, we suggest that another procedure be done around the age of 11 or 13 years old to also protect the second molars and premolars.
This type of preventive treatment does not act as a substitute to toothbrushing.
Preventive Resin Restoration (PRR)
When cavities are detected early enough, we use microdentistry. PRR is a very conservative procedure to eradicate decay on a tooth, which is done without anesthesia, most of the time.
The dentist will remove the cavity while keeping the teeth’s surface healthy using a powerful sandblasting tool and a technique called micro abrasion. In the end, the space created is filled with a flowable composite.
We act on a case-by-case basis at the clinic because you are unique and your mouth should represent you.